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Green Team- Ode to the Seniors

You were sophomores. We were freshman. We were lost, you helped us find our way. Fast forward three years, and there you are. Seniors. The memories and moments have consumed us all. But now time is winding down. Soon we’ll be faced with the hardest goodbyes, departing with some of the greatest people who have crossed through our lives.  

Harding working. Ambitious. Kind. Honest. Crazy. Life altering. Fan-freaking-tastic. All descriptions dedicated to to you, Class of 2018. You are one like no other. Your great attitudes, strong leadership skills, enthusiasm and energy make you the wonder you are today. Without the friendship and bonds made on the girls sports teams, or the brotherhood between the boys, we would revert back to being the lost little freshman. You, my friends, are the strongest, most positive people we know.

High school is a rollercoaster, and we hope you end on a high. From the everlasting memories and friendships we have made, to all the ones to come, we want you to know that we love you all. From us to you, our words exactly, we wish you prosperity, happiness and love, friendship and succession in college. Here’s to you, Class of 2018. May your presence within us all be long-lived and cherished.

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